Monday 1 April 2013

A Continuation on poverty...

I continued to browse some artworks depicting poverty and ideas surrounding poverty.

This Piece below by Shirley L (Chino Hills, CA) effectively shows the contrast between a wealthy mother and one living in poverty. Both have the same intentions - to give their child the best life they can. This includes basics such as providing them with food and water. Unfortunately the woman on the left lies awake at night fearing her lack of ability to do so, whilst the woman on the right has money to put her fears at ease.

I also saw a painting on Ecofren depicting a young boy holding his baby brother. The Ironic thing is the boys couldn't even get hold of a piece of bread to eat but the painting of them sold for $10 000.

A wise friend once told me living in poverty doesn't mean you can't be happy. It is often the simplest things in life that are the best. Having your family and friends around, feeling the sun on your back, tasting the salt of the ocean - the list goes on.

 Look around you and be inspired :) The fact you have access to the internet right now probably means you are one of the lucky ones..

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